Ban Vlaanderen is the Flemish business angels network, founded in 1999. Its goal is to stimulate the economic growth in Belgium by developing, guiding and promoting entrepreneurship by bringing together capital-seeking entrepreneurs and private investors (business angels).

IESE Business Angels Network is a platform that brings together entrepreneurs seeking financing to grow and investors looking for opportunities to invest. It acts as a meeting point for more than 230 individual investors, investment clubs, family offices and large companies, and the startups that are raising capital. The network’s mission is to facilitate the activity of investors, offering them a curated deal flow, continuous training and networking opportunities among members, and promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences. Since 2003 more than 400 startups have received financing through the network, for more than €56 million.

FBA is France's leading women angel investor network, in France and Europe with around 150 women investing directly in high-potential startups to fuel their growth. FBA's investors target promising ventures across diverse sectors, at early stages (seed or development), led by both men and women, seeking funding between €200K and €2M.

APER supports startups based on our previous experience as well as through a unique model of co-investment with a network of business angels, who are often experienced entrepreneurs who, by investing their own funds directly in a startup, add value to it in the form of business experience and relationships.

Business Angels Connect (BAC) is a private investors network with focus on
Investments in Green Chemistry, Circularity, Health, Life Sciences and Agri-Food. BAC has exclusive partnerships with EIT Health Be Ne, Dutch Topsector Chemistry and Topsector Agri-food. Furthermore, BAC has an extensive European network of cooperations via European programs and projects. Our network in Germany is strong. We are happy to participate in the BAE Club.

Founded in 2023, AwakenAngels is Ireland’s first women-led angel investment syndicate, dedicated to investing in women-founded businesses. Our mission is to democratise investment opportunities for Irish-connected women globally, providing education, community and access to angel investing in an inclusive and supportive environment.

Angels Santé - Angels for Health (France) was founded in 2008. It has 90+ members. Most members are based in France it is expanding to Europe. Angels Santé is exclusively investing in high-growth companies focused on Healthcare (Biotech, Medtech companies, Diagnostics, e-Health...)

Anges Québec’s mission is to help its angel investor members obtain the most profitable return on their angel investments. To this end, Anges Québec identifies the best entrepreneurs in innovation and real estate promotors while supporting its members who invest in businesses meeting their criteria.

Investors Portugal was founded in 2019 to represent the early stage investors in Portugal. Its mission is bringing together all type of Early Stage Investors, Venture Funds, Business Angels Networks, Individual Business Angels and others, aiming representing and empowering the variours stakeholders of the early stage ecosystem. The association also strives to promote diversity and talent and to atract more players to the early stage investment.
Actually, Investors Portugal represents +26 VCs & Veicules and + 300 BAs with +2B€ AUM and +500 startups in their portfolio.

Created in 2004, the association "Les Business Angels des Grandes Écoles" (BADGE) is one of the leading networks of Business Angels in France. Many of our members come from engineering or management schools, but many other skills and experiences are represented.

Club degli Investitori is a community of about 360 entrepreneurs, managers and professionals that invest in startups, scaleups and innovative SMEs across various innovation sectors. With €55 million invested in approximately 65 companies and thanks to a network of co-investors, these ventures have raised over €2.5 billion in capital funding.

Bulgarian Angels Club is the leading angel network in Bulgaria with international chapters in London and the US, as well as two local ones in Varna & Plovdiv. Its mission is to support the startup ecosystem in the country by promoting angel investing and facilitating deals. The Club organizes monthly pitching, educational and networking events to create a vibrant community of angel investors and further contribute to the development of innovative ideas and generation of entrepreneurs.

Green Angel Ventures is a network of business angels focused on sustainable enterprises. It provides experience, valuable contacts, and capital to emerging companies in the green sector. Through active engagement, it promotes entrepreneurship and guides founders towards independence, serving as a crucial link between investors and sustainable businesses.

Be Angels was founded in 1999, BeAngels connects innovative founders with Business Angels eager to invest in promising ventures. Operating in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Northern France, it offers a platform for entrepreneurs seeking financial support and guidance to meet investors ready to fuel their growth.